The Laws of Hell
We Must Not Allow Earth to Become Devils' Planet

This world is being allowed to exist as a school for soul training

In this modern world full of problems, what should we do? How should we go about it, and what outcome should we produce? We have several options, but to state the conclusion first, regardless of which option we choose, we might have to face harsh outcomes.
It is essentially difficult to teach what is right to the eight billion people who have neglected to consider the most basic premise: This world is merely a school to allow souls to reincarnate and undergo soul training and is not complete in itself.
In modern society, however, people try to decide their happiness or unhappiness or determine which country is happy or unhappy within the boundaries of this earthly world only. In this trend, people have forgotten to consider what is justice from the perspective of the world beyond this one-namely, the heavenly world-or of the Supreme Being called God or Buddha. The idea that God's justice must be realized in this world is missing in modern society.